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A 2016 Update on The Indonesian Government’s Sukuk

Since the enactment of the Law No. 19/2008 relating to government Sukuk, the government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has been active in issuing Sukuk. Currently, there are seven types of the government Sukuk with tenors ranging from six months to...

Indonesia Kekuatan Baru Dunia?

Aksi massa 212 meninggalkan implikasi psikologis baru bagi bangsa Indonesia, khususnya umat Islam. Implikasi itu adalah kepercayaan diri bahwa umat mampu bergerak serentak dan bermartabat tanpa meninggalkan cela dan kerusakan sedikit pun. Aksi 212 sangat monumental...

Indonesia: Growing Dominance of Government Sukuk

Similar to the year of 2015, the growth of the Islamic Banking industry in Indonesia is still continuing on a decelarating trend. In 2014, the Islamic banking industry grew 12.4%. The growth then dipped in 2015 to 8.8%   Indonesia: Growing Dominance of Government...