+6221–3503142 secretariat@cisfed.org

Shariah Accounting: Theory, Concept, and Financial Report

CISFED has published one book titled “Akuntansi Syariah: Teori, Konsep, dan Laporan Keuangan” (Shariah Accounting: Theory, Concept, and Financial Report) written by one of its Board Member, Aji Dedi Mulawarman. CISFED is also planning to publish another book titled “Ekonomi Politik Islam (Islamic Political Economy)” from its Chairman & Executive Director, Farouk Abdullah Alwyni. In addition, CISFED Team is now also working to publish a journal related to its vision.

Apart from CISFED own publications, most of CISFED Board Members have published a number of publications on their personal capacities. These are as follows:

Awalil Rizki & Nasyith Majidi

Both have authored several economic books including a nine series of Indonesian Economy: Undercover Economy.

Farouk A. Alwyni

Since his university times, Farouk has produced a substantial number of  articles in Indonesian newspaper and International Islamic Finance magazine, selected list of which are as follows:

  • Published by Islamic Finance News (islamicfinancenews.com):
    • The Developmental Role of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, 22 February 2012;
    • Making Islamic Finance beneficial for future generations, 7 September 2011;
    • The Islamic Paradigm on Finance, Economics, and Development, 1 June 2011;
    • Addressing Challenges and Optimizing Opportunities in the Indonesian Islamic Capital Market, 2

March 2011;

  • The Development of Islamic Asset Management in Indonesia, 2 February 2011;
  • The Growth of Islamic Finance in Indonesia, 11 August 2010.
  • Published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (State School of Islamic Religion[STAIN]) Press Kediri:
    • A paper on Peran Lembaga Keuangan Islam dalam Merealisasikan Tujuan Ekonomi Islam: Menciptakan Keseimbangan Antara Etika dan Berdasar-kan Keimanan dan Keuntungan (The Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Realizing the Objectives of Islamic Economy: Creating Balance between Faith-based Ethics and Fortune) in Book titled Ekonomi Islam dan Keadilan Sosial: Mazhab Ekonomi Modern Menuju Kesejahteraan Ummat” (Islamic Economy & Social Justice: Modern Economic School of Thought Toward the Welfare of the Ummah), edited by Nurul Hanani and Ropingi el Ishak, 2011;
  • Published by Koran Jakarta (koranjakarta.com) :
    • Akuntabilitas Penggunaan Pajak (the Accountability of the Tax Utilization –by the Govt.-), 5 January 2009;
    • Daya Beli Domestik di-Saat Krisis (Domestic Demand during the Crisis), 3 December 2008.

[the List is to be Provided Further]