Apart from CISFED own publications, most of CISFED Board Members have published a number of publications on their personal capacities. These are as follows:
Awalil Rizki & Nasyith Majidi
Both have authored several economic books including a nine series of Indonesian Economy: Undercover Economy.
Farouk A. Alwyni
Since his university times, Farouk has produced a substantial number of articles in Indonesian newspaper and International Islamic Finance magazine, selected list of which are as follows:
- Published by Islamic Finance News (islamicfinancenews.com):
- The Developmental Role of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, 22 February 2012;
- Making Islamic Finance beneficial for future generations, 7 September 2011;
- The Islamic Paradigm on Finance, Economics, and Development, 1 June 2011;
- Addressing Challenges and Optimizing Opportunities in the Indonesian Islamic Capital Market, 2
March 2011;
- The Development of Islamic Asset Management in Indonesia, 2 February 2011;
- The Growth of Islamic Finance in Indonesia, 11 August 2010.
- Published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (State School of Islamic Religion[STAIN]) Press Kediri:
- A paper on Peran Lembaga Keuangan Islam dalam Merealisasikan Tujuan Ekonomi Islam: Menciptakan Keseimbangan Antara Etika dan Berdasar-kan Keimanan dan Keuntungan (The Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Realizing the Objectives of Islamic Economy: Creating Balance between Faith-based Ethics and Fortune) in Book titled Ekonomi Islam dan Keadilan Sosial: Mazhab Ekonomi Modern Menuju Kesejahteraan Ummat” (Islamic Economy & Social Justice: Modern Economic School of Thought Toward the Welfare of the Ummah), edited by Nurul Hanani and Ropingi el Ishak, 2011;
- Published by Koran Jakarta (koranjakarta.com) :
- Akuntabilitas Penggunaan Pajak (the Accountability of the Tax Utilization –by the Govt.-), 5 January 2009;
- Daya Beli Domestik di-Saat Krisis (Domestic Demand during the Crisis), 3 December 2008.