Dr Jamal Othman is professor of economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Malaysia (UKM). He holds a Master of Science and PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Georgia, Athens, USA.
Jamal primary research areas are environmental benefit-cost analysis, sustainable development, the low carbon economy and economic integration. His research works have appeared in leading journals including Environment and Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Policy Modelling, Tourism Economics, Singapore Economic Review, Waste Management and Research, International Journal of Water Resources Development, and Environmental Pollution.
Jamal currently teaches graduate level Microeconomic theory, Environmental and Resource Economics, and Applied Resource Policy. Jamal has also served as consultant for numerous projects commissioned by the Malaysian government and international organizations including the Malaysian Economic Planning Unit, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Development, the Department of Environment, the ASEAN Secretariat, United Nations Development Program, and Asian Development Bank.
In recent years Jamal has developed strong interest in the conceptualization and application of Syariah principles into conventional economics, both in the real economy and financial sectors. In 2009, he developed and taught a graduate module on Syariah-based development economics at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta, Indonesia. He has also delivered a number of public lectures, keynote speeches and conducted training programs associated with sustainability and the economics of giving incorporating syariah perspectives.