Induk Koperasi Syariah Indonesia – Rapat Anggota Luar Biasa
Pada tanggal 11 November 2021, CISFED Chairman, Farouk Abdullah Alwyni (FAA), yang juga adalah Ketua Dewas Pengawas INKOSINA (Induk Koperasi Syariah Indonesia) menghadiri Rapat Anggota Luar Biasa Tahun Buku 2020. Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Syirkah (Tahun 2009)...
Center for Indonesian Reform (CIR) – Globalisasi dan Perdagangan Internasional
Pada tanggal 10 November 2021, CISFED Chairman, Farouk Abdullah Alwyni (FAA), diundang oleh Center for Indonesian Reform (CIR) untuk memberi materi “Globalisasi dan Kebijakan Perdagangan Internasional” dalam program Sekolah Ekonomi Politik Kebangsaaan. Kajian ini...
Developing Islamic Derivatives as Real Hedging Instruments*
Derivatives are used by many large portfolios and funds as part of their investment management strategies to serve many purposes that include anticipating future cash flows, arbitrage, asset allocation change, hedging and speculation, with the last two being the main...
Developing Islamic Derivatives as Real Hedging Instruments*
Derivatives are used by many large portfolios and funds as part of their investment management strategies to serve many purposes that include anticipating future cash flows, arbitrage, asset allocation change, hedging and speculation, with the last two being the main...
Developing Islamic Derivatives as Real Hedging Instruments*
Derivatives are used by many large portfolios and funds as part of their investment management strategies to serve many purposes that include anticipating future cash flows, arbitrage, asset allocation change, hedging and speculation, with the last two being the main...
Developing Islamic Derivatives as Real Hedging Instruments*
Derivatives are used by many large portfolios and funds as part of their investment management strategies to serve many purposes that include anticipating future cash flows, arbitrage, asset allocation change, hedging and speculation, with the last two being the main...