Sep 22, 2012 | Publikasi
By Farouk Abdullah Alwyni The research team of the Shariah banking directorate of the central bank, Bank Indonesia is now working to create a real sector index. The index will have 11 real sector indices covering agriculture, mining, property, industry and services....
Sep 17, 2012 | Publikasi
Islamic Banking is the product created under the vision of the Islamic Economics, which put the Maqasid Shariah (the objective of Shariah) becomes the central theme of the development of the economy. The objective of Shariah includes the establishment of justice; the...
Sep 13, 2012 | Aktivitas
HMINEWS.Com – Tiga persoalan ekonomi utama yang kalangan miskin (termasuk di dalamnya pengusaha mikro) di Indonesia ada tiga. Yaitu tiadanya budaya menabung, tidak adanya perencanaan keuangan serta absennya lembaga yang peduli pada mereka. Maka untuk mengentaskan...
Sep 10, 2012 | Publikasi
Jurnal Nasional | Senin, 10 Sep 2012 Farouk Abdullah Alwyni Direktur Utama Alwyni International Capital & Chairman, CISFED KEUANGAN Islam telah berkembang pesat di berbagai belahan dunia, mulai dari kawasan Teluk di Timur Tengah, Asia Tenggara, Eropa, hingga...
Sep 5, 2012 | Publikasi
There have been discussions about Islamic economics for over three decades. The Islamic Research & Training Institute (IRTI), a research arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group, is a research center focusing on the study of Islamic banking, fi nance and...